What is Email Hosting?
Email Hosting plans from GreenWebDesign.net are an affordable and secure way to send and receive email using your own custom domain name.
Our Personal Email Hosting Plans are perfect for individuals who want a fast, memorable, secure address.
Our Business Email Hosting Plan is a great choice for families or small groups that want separate addresses using the same domain.
Our Ultimate Business Email Hosting Plan is ideal for businesses and organizations that don’t want to worry about running out of space.
Click here to compare our different Email Hosting Plans and get pricing
Create a unique, memorable, personalized address based on your domain! With Green Web Design Email, you also get powerful protection against viruses and spam, easy-to-use organizational tools like Calendar and Online File Folder and much more. Choose the plan that’s right for you and find out why not all email is created equal.
Looking for a corporate-class messaging system? See our Hosted Exchange plans.