Website Analysis


Is your website loading slowly? Use this package to investigate what issues your website has, and learn about solutions you can implement to fix this situation.

Slow website? Or maybe you’re having some other kind of problem with your existing website. Perhaps your visitors aren’t sticking around and interacting with your website in a meaningful way because they’re having a bad user experience when they get there.

This package begins with a telephone consultation where we will discuss your website and concerns. If you have website traffic analytics, I will ask to examine them.

Next, I will look at your website code and content. I will test the speed, design, layout, navigation, and other elements of the website pages and design. I will identify any obvious problems, and research solutions.

Then, we will discuss where you stand, and what can be done to improve your website traffic and conversion.

If you decide to take my recommendations, you can hire me at my standard hourly rate to make the updates for you.

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